Thursday, July 8, 2010

How to Sit Correctly and Avoid Back Pain by Michael Tasker

Scalenus musclesImage via Wikipedia
The problem of back pain is becoming much more common today due to more sedentary lifestyles incorporating how and where we work. Often it is not until one suffers the sometimes crippling effect and immobility of this problem that attention is then focused on what might have caused the problem. It can be a result of sitting incorrectly or standing with poor posture.

If these causes are replicated over time they can produce severe back pain problems yet the symptoms can be reduced by easily followed routines that can result in easing current suffering plus also to prevent future problems occurring.

If you are spending ever longer periods sitting down at a desk during the day at work, it does not help that after such periods of inactivity, its back home to sit down again and relax. The easiest way to prevent possible back pain problems occurring is to try and reduce the amount of time that is spent sitting. Unfortunately, this is not always possible so it is beneficial to try and take frequent short periods of time when you can be on your feet, either just standing and stretching or walk around the room adopting the correct walking posture. When in a seated position for long periods ensure you have a purpose made back support which are readily available to purchase to ensure a correct seated position. This will ensure that the correct right angle is achieved for the hips and knees.

Don't forget that the height of a chair is part of the secret to achieve the optimum sitting position. The feet should be able to be placed flat on the ground. The support from the chair should be firm and ensure the design incorporates a high back plus arm rests. And whilst seated at a desk, be aware that hunching or leaning over should be avoided as this puts extra strain on the back muscles. It is important to understand the potential strain that you can place on your body by crossing your legs as this puts undue pressure on the lower back as the muscles are then out of their natural alignment.

When seated, ensure that you can sit up straight with your elbows and arms on your chair. When getting out of a chair after sitting for a period of time, it is important to adopt the correct standing procedure. Very simply, stand up by straightening your legs rather than bending at the waist. Once standing, why not undertake some easy stretch exercises for the back to assist is warming the dormant muscles.

To avoid the symptoms of back pain or their recurrence, it is very helpful to undertake some stretching exercises which concentrate on the back area. Furthermore, to assist in good posture routine and strengthen the muscles that are prone to back pain, exercises such as Pilates will reinforce good habits and ensure that a correct posture and body movement is adhered to.

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